Fenugreek and Potato Soup Recipe

Bean Sprout and Corn Soup Recipes

Ingredients :

225 g potatoes

450 ml chicken stock or water

225 g fenugreek sprouts

150 ml creamy milk

salt and pepper

Method :
  1. Boil the potatoes in the stock or water until tender.
  2. Lift out the potatoes and reserve the cooking liquid.
  3. Put the potatoes into a liquidizer or food processor with three quarters of the sprouts and the milk, add blend until smooth.
  4. Return to the saucepan with the cooking liquid.
  5. Bring to boiling point and simmer for 3 minutes.
  6. Season to taste and garnish with remaining fenugreek sprouts.

A quickly made soup with a spicy flavor which is suitable for summer or winter meals.

Serves 4 - 6

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