Lentil Salad Recipe

Lentil Salad Recipes

Ingredients :

2 tbsp vegetable oil

1 large onion

1 garlic clove

1 bay leaf

225 g lentils

2 tomatoes

1 green pepper

4 tbsp olive oil

2 tbsp lemon juice

1/2 tsp mustard powder

1/2 tsp sugar

salt and pepper

2 tbsp chopped fresh parsley

Method :
  1. Heat the oil and cook the finely chopped onion and crushed garlic until soft and golden.
  2. Add the bay leaf and lentils, and pour on water to cover.
  3. Bring to the boil, cover and simmer for 40 minutes until the lentils are tender.
  4. Drain well and discard the bay leaf.
  5. Leave the lentils to stand for 5 minutes.
  6. Skin the tomatoes, discard seeds and cut the flesh into small pieces.
  7. Fold into the lentils and put into a serving bowl.
  8. Discard the seeds and membranes from the pepper and dice the flesh.
  9. Stir into the lentil mixture.
  10. Mix the olive oil, lemon juice, mustard, sugar and plenty of salt and pepper.
  11. Pour over the warm lentils.
  12. Cool and then chill for 30 minutes.
  13. Sprinkle with parsley and serve.

Note :

It is worth cooking an extra supply of lentils when preparing other dishes, so that leftovers may be used for this unusual salad.

Serves 4 - 6

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