Gratin Dauphinois Recipe

Gratin Dauphinois Recipes

Ingredients :

1 garlic clove, halved

3 oz butter, softened

2 lb waxy potatoes, sliced into thick rounds

freshly grated nutmeg

12 fl oz hot milk

8 fl oz single cream

salt and pepper

Method :
  1. Rub the cut garlic clove round the inside of a baking dish.
  2. Brush the dish thickly with some of the softened butter.
  3. Arrange a layer of potatoes in the bottom of the dish and sprinkle with salt, pepper, grated nutmeg.
  4. Continue making layers of potatoes, seasoning each layer, until they are all used.
  5. Mix together the hot milk and cream, pour the mixture over the layered potatoes, make sure that the potatoes are almost totally covered by the liquid.
  6. Dot the top with remaining butter and bake in oven, 350F, gas mark 4, 60-75 minutes, until the potatoes are tender when pierced with a skewer.
  7. Increase oven temperature to 400F, gas mark 6 for 10 minutes to brown the top layer of potatoes.
  8. Ready to serve.

Serves 5

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