Snow peas
are so tender and delicate that they are eaten shell and all! Snow peas
are wider and thinner than other peas and best served crisp - either
blanch them or lightly stir-fry. Green beans , whether common (French)
beans or runner (climbing) beans, are slender and crisp. You can tell a
good bean if it snaps easily when broken. Look for bright, blemish-free
beans. Peas are sweet and delicate in flavor and can be used in a great
variety of dishes. Look for peas with bright green, shiny pods.
Bean Sprouts are endlessly
versatile ingredients to add to salads, vegetable stir-fry mixtures,
sandwich fillings and Chinese style dishes. Almost any bean or grain can
be sprouted but remember grain sprouts take about 3 days to sprout
whereas beans and lentils need 4-7 days. Mung beans, aduki beans,
alfalfa and whole lentils are popular and easy to sprout.
Cooking Tips for Beans and Legumes
Different Types of Beans
Health Benefits of Beans and Legumes
How to Sprout Mung Beans