Roast Vegetables with Olive Oil and Chilies Recipe

Roast Vegetables with Olive Oil and Chilies Recipes

Ingredients :

4 tbsp olive oil

250g parsnips, cut into equal-size chunks

250g leeks, cut into 1/2 inch slices

250g red peppers, cored, deseeded and cut into squares

250g aubergines, cut into chunks

1/2 tsp crushed dried chilies

handful of marjoram, chopped

salt and pepper

Method :
  1. Place the olive oil in a large roasting tin and put into oven, 425F, gas mark 7, few minutes to warm.
  2. Add the parsnips to the tin, toss well in the oil, return the tin to the top of the oven and cook for 10 minutes.
  3. Remove the tin from the oven and add the leeks, red peppers, aubergines and crushed chilies.
  4. Toss to coat in the olive oil then return the tin to oven for 15 minutes.
  5. Remove the tin from the oven, add the chopped marjoram, salt, pepper, mix well.
  6. Transfer to a warmed serving bowl and ready to serve.

Serves 4

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