Vegetarian Breakfast Recipes

Vegetarian Breakfast Recipes

Breakfast is the most important meal of our everyday lives. Do not skip your breakfast, it should be taken everyday without fail in order to start up our day in a bright note and provides energy.

Light and sustaining or hearty and satisfying, a breakfast offers a good start to the day. Taken later is can double as a lunch, named brunch, and will ensure that you last the course until dinner or supper time. Carefully balanced for variety, exquisitely arranged and prepared it also makes the perfect entertaining occasion for busy people in a hurry.

The hearty, pan-fried full English breakfast assembly seems to have lost favor, for weekdays at least, but has been replaced with a more convenient and healthy alternative - cereals, fresh fruit, natural yogurt, whole-grain breads and eggs in all their guises. Mixed and matched they offer a daily variety that will never bore - especially if you make your own cereal mixture, fruit salads and nutted, seeded or flavored breads according to family likes and dislikes or what is in season. Make muesli in bulk for economy of effort and cost, and add luxury items like special dried fruit, toasted nuts, sliced fresh fruit, honey and yogurt to the individual bowl as liked. Or make a chilled breakfast fruit salad using fresh or dried fruits in quantity - it will keep cheerfully in the refrigerator for up to 4 days and will easily double as a dessert in a hurry. Warm and serve with yogurt or cream for breakfast to ring the changes.

For some, breakfast is a meal that is hard to warm to - for those a selection of 'meal-in-the-glass' alternatives have been suggested in this section. Undoubtedly they will also appeal to those who take breakfast on the move.

  1. Barley Cream

  2. Barley Pan Fries

  3. Barley Thick Shake

  4. Bran Porridge

  5. Breakfast Fruit Compote

  6. Breakfast Mush

  7. Buckwheat Kasha

  8. Caramel Oats

  9. Cinnamon Apple Oatmeal

  10. Cocoa Millet

  11. Corn Bitters

  12. Corn Pockets

  13. Custom Made Cereal

  14. Early Morning Breakfast Crunch

  15. Egg and Asparagus Mornay

  16. Five Fiber Porridge

  17. Flaxen Maple Syrup

  18. Flaxjacks

  19. French Toast

  20. Girdle Scones

  21. Good Morning Oats

  22. Jiver's Breakfast

  23. Johnny Cakes

  24. Juice Bran

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  1. Millet with Honey

  2. Crunchy Muesli

  3. Muesli Meal

  4. Starter's Muesli

  5. Mush Delicious

  6. Nutty Rye Porridge

  7. Omelette with Groats

  8. Orange Apricot Oatmeal

  9. Pureed Barley

  10. Rye Meal Croquette

  11. Scrapple

  12. Sultanas and Rye

  13. Tiger Breath


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